
Not As Good As It First Was

Well...it seems like we can't even trust our meat any more. The U.S. Administration has decided that meat providers do NOT have to provide label saying which is cloned meat and which is "natural" meat. Needless to say, I am highly upset at this tomfoolery.

Since when should I be comfortable with eating cloned meat? Why can't I have the natural meat that was not conceived in a science lab? I pay high prices for good, quality meat, and if I believe that cloned meat is not of quality, why shouldn't I be able to distinguish which is which?

While I do believe if they did have to provide labeling, meat companies would try to charge extra for "natural" meat, I still would like to know what meat I'm eating. The cloning technique isn't foolproof either. What should I do if I get some bad cloned meat in me? Will the same "natural" medicine treat me, or would I need to invest in some "cloned" meds? Too many questions...too few answers.

Cloning meat does have its benefits though. With the cloning of meat, you can essentially feed more people at a cheaper price (eventually). With more people being fed, then you can stop draining the animal wildlife, letting more grow naturally and in the wild, upping the game for hunters.

However, I don't see this happening. Because Americans have the tendency to be overly greedy, I see more meat being put on the shelves than consumers can buy. This will lead to the waste of meat that could be used to feed the poorer countries. But I forget, we don't care about other countries as long as we are taken care of.

I'm still against cloned meat, even with it's benefits. I want to know that meat is natural meat. Cloned meat is like a hand-me-down: it's not as good as it first was.


Where My Money At?

The agony and sadness of Haiti is unbearable for those who are lighthearted. With Wyclef Jean's new song, "Sweetest Girl (Dollar Bill)," a new light has been shed on Haiti. Wyclef shows one of the ways that Haitian women are forced to make money in order to feed their family.

If you haven't seen the video (which you can see on YouTube here), Wyclef shows how some women basically have to trick in order to make money. While it is often a choice in the United States, it is often not a choice in Haiti. Why? Let's look at some facts.

According to www.globalissues.org, Haiti is the third hungriest country in the world. The wealthy in Haiti, making up 1%, control nearly half of all of Haiti's wealth. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere (fourth in the world).

With virtually no money, Haitian women are forced to sell their bodies for sex, while Haitian men are normally locked in drug battles. Even though the Haitians are forced to do what they do, they still live on less than one U.S. dollar a day. While there has been efforts to improve Haiti by the United States, France, Canada, and the U.N., all of those efforts have ironically caused more problems than they have helped.

One of those efforts were establishing an election. However, the victor Jean-Bertrand Aristide was ousted after it was clear that he was hurting Haiti more than helping it. The United Nations, however, is still dedicated to helping Haiti grow, despite its failure so far.

Ironically, one of the people dedicated to helping Haiti is a U.S. outcast. He lives in Cuba everyday. His name is President Fidel Castro. Castro has been trying to aid Haiti for the longest, and is probably one of the only leaders of a nation that is really trying to help Central America.

Castro was the one responsible for sending in numerous Cuban doctors into Haitia after Hurricane Mitch in 1998. He was also the one that came up with a viable economic development plan for Haiti, which has yet to be followed by other nations.

Castro proposed that for every $1,250 of the $250 billion of the U.S. defense (1999) budget, one dollar be set aside. This would have given $200 million to the aid of Cuba which would help reconstruction and socioeconomic development in Central America and Haiti. While Castro is labeled as a dictator by the U.S., one can easily applaud his efforts to restoring a ravaged area of the world.

It's clear that the effort to restore Haiti will not be successful overnight. It will take years of patience and guidance by those with nothing to gain from the restoration of this country. Politics need to be taken completely out, so the areas that will immediately profit Haiti and Haiti only can receive the most attention.

Until then, all we can do is try to donate to the U.N. to help Haiti out. It's time that something right happens for that country in 2008. Just remember...she used to be the sweetest girl ever...


Britney Spears Needs To Get It Together

I give up. Britney Spears is as dumb as she looks. She gives blondes a new name. She was driving down the highway, and her tire blew out. Instead of calling for some help, she accepted a ride home from the paparazzi. Now, she has to pay for the towing and storage fees of her vehicle.

Doesn't she ever learn? In her case, ANY publicity is bad publicity. She's on the verge of losing her kids and her fans due to her idiotic antics. I never wish any kids to lose their parents, but as of right now, the kids do not deserve a mother like Britney. They don't need to see their mom's coochie all over the Internet, while hearing about her drunken escapades.

It's sad that Brit has fallen this quickly. I never expected her to fall, but it was probably predetermined. Many kid stars quickly turn to the "dark" side. Remember, Judy off of Family Matters? Well...she has a porno out (her name in the porno is Crave for those of you wondering), and she's had practice at this by the way. If you really want to see pics of her, go to a Google Images search and take Moderate Safe Search off. Here's a censored pic:


Shia LaBeouf (Transformers, Disturbia, and Even Stevens) was also apparently heading down that path. You may not remember, but he was arrested on charges of being intoxicated and refusing to leave a drugstore. However, it seems as if he has turned his life around, and the charges were dropped. The security company decided not to pursue the case. Think what you want...but I agree with you. Someone got a huge sum of money.

Even Topanga (Danielle Fishel) of Boy Meets World had some probs. She got arrested for a DUI. This is after she said she had no drinking problems. Wow...a celeb lying to us! When will we learn.

It's sad how these teen stars just turn into sad cases of the "dark" side. However, at least Jaimee Foxworth learned from her mistake. After a quick appearance in the porn industry, she quickly exited, feeling degraded and embarrassed. Who could blame her? She used to be a prominent star on Family Matters, a pretty good show, and turned to porn. But hey...to each his/her own.

Brit Spears needs to get her life together though. She's just a sad basket case right now. Instead of all this media attention though, she needs some privacy and some help. But you can't force anyone to get help, even with persistent family members. I think it's time that Spears takes a break from the public life...maybe buy an island of some sort.

No matter the case, Spears is a truly unfit mother right now. Her kids do not deserve to see her this way, and neither does her family. However, we can't be feeling sympathetic to her. She made the decisions and she has to pay the price for them. Sadly, we cannot do anything but watch the continued self-destruction or watch the rebuilding of her life. We'll see what happens...